Mrs.M. Aruna is so thankful that she's finally found a treatment that is helping her injuries effectively - after months of pain...

M.Aruna (35) who lives in Hosur (Tamil Nadu), India has severe hip osteoarthritis. As a result of this condition, Aruna has recently had both hips replaced, but unfortunately a short time after the operation she fell and broke her femur. This left her in a great deal of pain and she was also unable to either walk, or bend her knees properly without huge effort and difficulty. Her thighs were very stiff with a knee bending angle of only 25 degrees and hip bending angle of 30 degrees.
Aruna had six months of physiotherapy but this wasn't helping her mobility at all and in October 2011 she visited Dr Ankit Bhargava at AB Health Care in Attibele, Bangalore after a colleague recommended him.
Dr Ankit is a Consultant Physiotherapist & Fitness expert for Wendt (India) Ltd. & CUMI (IC) -Murugappa group companies & Founder- Director of AB Healthcare, Bangalore.
He carried out a full examination, devised a series of treatment, exercises and stretches for Aruna, and then followed this by applying Kinesio Tape to the affected area.
Kinesio Tape is recognised as an innovative, non medicinal and highly effective treatment for a range of ailments, sports injuries, muscular complaints, swelling and joint pain in all ages from babies to the elderly.
The correct application of Kinesio Tape creates a lifting effect on skin that improves circulation, relieves pain, and, depending on its application, relaxes or stimulates muscles.
Within just seven weeks of this treatment, progress has been staggering. Aruna's walking pattern has improved a lot, pain has disappeared, thigh muscles have softened substantially and Aruna can now bend her knees to 75 degrees and her hips to 90 degrees.
Aruna says: "It's amazing. I was beginning to think I would never walk and bend my knees properly again but the treatment has been very gentle and it's worked so well. I like wearing the Kinesio Tape as it supports my injuries and is comfortable and waterproof which means I can bathe whilst wearing it, and also get a good night's sleep."
Dr Ankit says: "We have a few more weeks to go with this treatment, but given the progress we've made so far I'm confident that Aruna will be back to full flexibility very soon. I use a mix of different therapeutic treatments with my patients and often include the application of Kinesio Tape as it supports injuries, helps to reduce pain and swelling and also speeds up the healing process."