Winter can be a difficult time to maintain your exercise routine - with less daylight hours, colder temperatures and more rainfall it’s easy to lose motivation. It's much easier to go into “hibernation” and stay at home where it’s warm.
However, there are lots of ways to keep winter weight off this Christmas season and some of them are really simple! Here's a little list of ways to stay active:
1. Take up a new indoor sport - there are lots of sports that you can take part in without venturing outside. You could try...badminton, squash, volleyball, bowling or even rollerderby 2. Join an indoor club or sports league - making a commitment to a team is a great motivator 3. Use the stairs at work instead of the lift 4. Volunteer and help out at a club, charity or community centre 5. Keep fit in front of the TV - stand up ten times when the advertisements come on, but don’t use the arms of the chair 6. Wear an activity tracker or pedometer - seeing how far you've come can help to motivate you 7. Make your housework count - mop the floor, clean the bathtub or do other housework to increase your activity levels