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Horses on course for Kinesio this weekend!

The British Veterinary Chiropractic Association (BVCA) held its annual seminar on Saturday 17th and 18th October at the Holiday Inn, Washington, Tyne & Wear.

The BVCA is a UK association for registered veterinarians and chiropractors who practice on animals. The organisation aims to improve and promote the standards of those who treat animals.

As part of the event, Chartered Veterinary and Human Physiotherapist Nina Cessford will be leading practical equine demonstrations and tutorials on how Kinesio Taping can successfully treat horses for many different conditions.

Kinesio Taping is therapeutic, elastic taping - often brightly coloured - commonly seen on international sports stars but increasingly now used on racehorses and competition horses. Correctly applied, the tape helps to reduce pain and swelling and reduces recovery times in both humans and animals. The UK headquarters of Kinesio UK are based at Cobalt Business Park in North Tyneside.

Nina Cessford says: "I use Kinesio taping very effectively on horses with tendon and ligament problems and also to facilitate and activate muscles which aren't working as they should. Kinesio taping is also excellent for reducing swelling and inflammation and for helping to treat haematomas after injury. Because Kinesio is lightweight, non-restrictive and fully waterproof, it also means it is comfortable for horses and they aren't distressed whilst wearing it."

Lee Clark, former Olympic equine physiotherapist and Chartered Physiotherapist, who uses Kinesio extensively on both horses and humans says: "Typical scenarios where Kinesio will help a horse recover include muscular, tendon or ligament injury, muscle spasms, or muscle weakness after an operation or if a horse has had prolonged stable rest. I have used it successfully to treat muscle weakness after a fractured pelvis, kissing spines, elongated tendons in a foal and tendon injuries in racehorses."

Nina Cessford who will be leading the demonstrations and tutorials is based in the Scottish Borders. After completing a BSc (Hons) in Animal Science at Newcastle University in 2006, Nina decided to follow a career as a veterinary physiotherapist. She has since completed both a Master's Degree in Physiotherapy and a Post Graduate Diploma in Veterinary Physiotherapy. She is also a member of ACPAT.

Currently, Nina works part-time within the NHS treating musculoskeletal conditions, alongside running her own veterinary physiotherapy clinic treating riders, small animals and horses. She is a KTAI qualified practitioner for Kinesio Taping (humans and equine) and has extensive experience in using the taping method for equine rehabilitation following injury.

The BVCA wishes to make it clear that Veterinary Chiropractic does not replace traditional Veterinary medicine. Its aim is to help provide additional means of treatment options for spinal problems as well as biomechanical related musculoskeletal disorders.


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