May is National Walking Month and with better weather, lighter evenings, and a relaxation of lockdown exercise rules - it is the perfect time to get outside and get walking. Walking is the most popular physical activity among adults, and it’s easy to see why. It requires no special clothes or equipment; you don’t need to travel and it’s free. You can make walking fun by going to places you enjoy and listening to some of your favourite music along the way (but keep the sound low enough to hear everything that is going on around you). Regular, brisk walking for at least 30 minutes can have many health benefits. There have been many studies worldwide that have shown that by taking a regular walk your heart will get stronger, you’ll lower your blood pressure and your bones will get stronger. Walking also eases stress, helps you sleep better and can boost your mood.

A Few Key Benefits:
Walking works the major muscles in your legs and walking up hill is great for your glutes. Overall, your leg muscles will get stronger over time and it’s fairly low impact on your joints.
Walking at a brisk speed gives you a good cardio workout. You can start slowly with just 5 or 10 minutes a day and work up to at least 30 minutes on most days of the week to get the full cardio benefits.
According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, regular, brisk walking helps lung strength and capacity
Walking can help protect against heart disease. Studies in the US and Australia have shown that it can lower your blood pressure and help to increase your “good” (HDL) cholesterol.
Walking also helps to calm the mind and reduce stress. The rhythm of walking helps us to regulate our breathing, instilling a sense of peace and calm.
Plantar Fasciitis The plantar fascia is a band of thick tissue that runs along the sole of the foot. Its function is to help lift the arch of the foot when walking and act as a shock absorber. Plantar fasciitis is a common condition for some runners and walkers, and it occurs when the plantar fascia becomes inflamed and irritated. Kinesio Tape may be used to help with Plantar Fasciitis - by supporting the foot and reducing the pressure. Applying Kinesio Tape in a fan application, with an I strip for additional support, is the best way to do this. If you don’t have access to a therapist at the moment who can assist with application, Kinesio Tape can be purchased in a pre-cut Foot application pack - You can also cut the application from a Kinesio Tape roll. Remembering to stretch and build up your walking routine if you are not used to walking far (or for long periods) and making sure you wear shoes that are comfortable and supportive will help you avoid any issues.
