Founded in 2016, The Foot Project, a group of Podiatrists and Lower Limb specialists, who work at the migrant camp in Calais (aka " the jungle "), provide free foot healthcare to those in need. On their first visit to France, they ran 7 projects in Calais until the camp was closed. In 2017, they focused their efforts in Greece and worked with Medicine Du Monde in Epirus.

The dedicated team all have experience of working without clinical space and have been on multiple projects over the last 2 years. They deal with a host of different conditions from ingrown and infected toe nails to abscesses and ankle sprains.
Jack Loveday, is a podiatrist trained in Kinesio Taping and part of The Foot Project team - "As you can imagine, conditions are pretty grim in the camps and the refugees have endured unbelievable hardship - walking thousands of miles, jumping fences and being beaten. On our first trip the vast majority of what we saw was ankle sprains and traumatic knee injuries. The only strapping that we had with us was traditional ZO tape that had been donated and realistically we knew that it wasn't going to last long - so Kinesio Tape really will help those in need."
The project is voluntary and is totally funded by donations. You can read more about The Foot Project on their Facebook Page ( and donate through JustGiving (

The Foot Project will be continuing their amazing work in January 2018 and Kinesio UK are pleased to be supporting their return visit to Calais.