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Hosting a Course or Workshop

Kinesio UK introductory workshop sessions are designed for practitioners who have no or limited knowledge of Kinesio Taping. The presentation and workshop is not a sales talk and our Kinesio practitioner will introduce the theory of this revolutionary taping method alongside practical applications. In-house training sessions last for 4 hours (time can be adjusted to fit your requirements) and can be arranged on weekdays, weekends or evenings. If you require a workshop to be tailored for a specific audience, please contact us below and provide further information about your requirements.


KTAI training courses are 2 days (16 hours). The Kinesio Taping Method has two very important elements: the education and the tool. Kinesio Taping has never been (and never will be) a one-size fits all philosophy. Knowing how to apply the tape is instrumental in an application’s success, and this is highlighted in the globally recognised education and certification programme. Today KTAI courses are offered in more than thirty countries across the globe. Over two days, therapists will learn fundamental taping concepts for the whole body alongside advanced techniques and clinical reasoning.


Interested in hosting a workshop or course? Contact us using the form below for more information:


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