Kinesio Taping has been used in the USA, Europe and India for many years to help children with development deficits, neuromuscular and muscular skeletal conditions. Its use in helping paediatric conditions in the UK is now becoming far more widespread as news of its effectiveness grows. Children also like the bright colours of Kinesio and find it comfortable.
Back by popular demand to lead two specialist KT3 paediatric courses in Kinesio Taping (one in Cork Ireland on 27 and 28 September and one in Newcastle upon Tyne on 30 September and 1 October) will be the renowned expert and CKT Instructor Deanna (DeDe) Wanzek. DeDe has specialised in paediatric therapies for the last 32 years and is a former Instructor of the Year. Her courses are always very popular and suitably qualified Kinesio practitioners are urged to book early to guarantee a place.

Dede Wanzek has recently been treating a nine year old boy with mild Cerebral Palsy. Her goal was to increase his dorsiflexion* strength (the ability to lift one's foot at the ankle joint) so he does not catch his toes on the ground as he walks. Kinesio Taping was applied to stabilize the calcaneus or heel bone. After the application of Kinesio Taping, he was immediately able to perform an exercise (walking on his heels) to improve his dorsiflexion strength with much greater ease.
DeDe has also treated many children with asthma and respiratory problems using Kinesio Tape. Twelve year old Nicole was experiencing shortness of breath during sport and was referred to Dede for treatment. After six sessions of physiotherapy- which included Kinesio Taping, Nicole was no longer having difficulty and was able to play sport without her nebulizer.

Catherine Turner, sports therapist and CKTI, carries out paediatric Kinesio taping from her clinic in North Wales and treated two year old Luke from Wrexham. Luke has right sided hemiplegia, a condition which affects one side of the body. It is a relatively common childhood condition and affects one in 1000 children. Hemiplegia is different in each child but the most obvious result is a degree of weakness and lack of control in the affected side of the body. Luke has limited use of his right hand and limps because he struggles to put his right heel down on the floor. Catherine used Kinesio tape to relax the flexor muscles in Luke's arm and to assist with his forearm extension. For Luke's foot, Catherine used gastrocnemius (calf) muscle inhibition to relax the calf muscles and to give him assistance in lifting up his toes. She says: 'Luke's hand is far more relaxed with the tape and he is now using his right hand more. His heel is down slightly more and he's more aware of his right side as the colour of the tape is in his vision.'
The Kinesio Taping courses in London and Newcastle are suitable for physiotherapists, sports therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, occupational therapists and lymphoedema therapists.