Everyone has experienced a bruise at one time or another. A bruise, or contusion, results when the blood vessels beneath the skin are injured and bleed. Bruises are often caused by force being applied to the skin - often caused by a fall, accident or bumping into something. They are usually more acute in older people because, as people age, the blood vessels become more fragile.
A new bruise can be flat or swollen and it changes colour over time. New bruises may be red but, after few days, turns more purple or blue. After about six days a bruise can turn green and older bruises are often yellow or brown. It will generally take several weeks for the body to repair a bruise and for the skin to return to its usual colour.
You can often help to decrease bruising if you apply a cold pack right straight away after an injury. Many of our therapists talk about Kinesio Tape as being one of their favourite ways to help with bruises and associated swelling.
A standard tape application will cross 2 fan applications across each other to make small squares. A fan strip is a length of Kinesio tape that has an anchor at one end with 3-4 longitudinal cuts to create narrow tails. Kinesio Tape packs come pre-cut in fan strips, or you can create your own using a roll of Kinesio Tape.
The fingers of the Kinesio Tape Fan strips should reach across the main part of the area affected and beyond to ensure the whole swelling/bruised area is covered. The anchor (non-cut tape end) of the Kinesio Tape Fan strip/s should applied towards a lymphatic drainage area. The principle is that the fingers of the Kinesio Tape guide fluid away from the swollen area and towards the lymph node. The tape may help to improve the healing process and allow the body to naturally pump extra fluid away.
Classic and FP Tape rolls, along with fan cut packs, can be purchased online on our website at: www.kinesiotaping.co.uk. Therapists can access the tape on the UK practitioner site at: b2b.kinesiotaping.co.uk Check out some of the fan cut images below…