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Using Kinesio Tape for Back pain

Back pain - especially in the lower back - is a common problem that will affect about 80 per cent of people at some point in their life. With this in mind, we are reviewing some of the reasons why back pain occurs, how you can help recovery and how to prevent back pain. WHY? The lumbar spine, or lower back, is an amazing structure of interconnecting bones, joints, nerves, ligaments, and muscles. They all work together to provide support, strength and flexibility. The spine itself is a stack of 24 individual bones called vertebrae. Musculo-skeletal lower back pain is the most common cause of back pain and it can develop over a long period of time, or can be the result of an accident, moving awkwardly or heavy/incorrect lifting techniques. One of the most common types of back pain comes from straining the muscles surrounding the spine and this happens most often in the curve of the lower back. Sometimes backache seems to occur for no apparent reason. This is called non-specific back pain. It can develop from weak muscles that are struggling with everyday walking, bending or stretching. In other cases, it comes from general muscle tension - sometimes caused by stress. Additionally, in sport, the lower back takes on a great deal of strain. Sports that use repetitive impact, a turning motion or weight loading can cause damage to the lower back. RECOVERY Back pain will usually improve within a few weeks or months. There are several things you can try to help reduce your pain in the meantime: 1 Back exercises and stretches - Simple back exercises and stretches can often help reduce back pain 2 Painkillers - Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug tablets, such as ibuprofen, can help relieve back pain 3 Hot and Cold packs 4 Relax When applied properly, Kinesio Tape can also help to provide support and relief. Trained Kinesio Taping therapists can review your condition and provide advice, alongside taping. Alternatively, Kinesio provide a pre-cut Back application, or you can use a tape roll. Therapists can purchase at, or on our main website Check out our step by step picture guide below. PREVENTION 1 Keep exercising and moving - regular activity can help ease inflammation and muscle tension 2 Control your weight - additional weight can alter your centre of gravity, causing additional strain 3 Alter your sleeping position 4 Watch your posture when sitting 5 Be careful when you lift heavy objects 6 Choose a suitable bag - Having a strap on the opposite shoulder of the bag distributes the weight. When carrying a heavy bag, switch hands to avoid putting stress on one side. 7 Warm up your muscles before you take part in sport activities 8 Change your shoes - lower shoes can reduce the strain on your back


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